Engineering Union
Base of enterprises
Number of results: 0
№ | Company name | GCEA (ОКЭД) | BIN | CSE name | Contacts | Region | Membership in the AKMI |
2113 | Sovmestnoe Predpriyatie Potok-K LLP |
151140012643 | Small Enterprises | 8 727 297 60 35 | Almaty city |
2114 | Angat LLP |
110940015012 | Small Enterprises | 8 701 913 77 50 | Almaty city |
2115 | Abicor Binzel Central Asia LLP |
120440003373 | Small Enterprises | 8 727 367-09-11; | Almaty city |
2116 | Fabrika Sveta LLP |
161240009004 | Small Enterprises | 8 727 394-20-93; 8 701 222 52 44 | Almaty city |
2117 | Just the right-JTR LLP |
180240037883 | Small Enterprises | 8 708 972-58-00; 7–708–972–57–00; 7 727 972 57 00 7 727 972 58 00 | Almaty city |
2118 | KSC-Plast LLP |
040440003621 | Small Enterprises | 7 (727) 273-39-39 | Almaty city |
040340004624 | Small Enterprises | 8 727 397-36-90; 8 777 213 29 12 | Almaty city |
2120 | Avtomatizaciya i Tekhnologii-Servis LLP Automatization and Technologies-Service LLP |
100140014023 | Small Enterprises | 8 727 277 949; 8701 744 19 86 | Almaty city |
2121 | Mechanic-Steel KZ LLP |
171040012544 | Small Enterprises | 8 727 246-32-51; 8 702 115 00 04 | Almaty city |
2122 | ABS Oil Construction LLP |
080740003747 | Small Enterprises | 8 727 335 68 09; 8 707 863 69 13 | Almaty city |
2123 | NefteTekhnika LLP |
121240004541 | Small Enterprises | 8 777 216-73-92; (727) 367 04 68 + 7 705 745 55 51 | Almaty city |
2124 | Almaty EnteRprising Company LTD LLP |
120240024800 | Not indicated | 8 7272 394-11-54; | Almaty city |
2125 | KDC Repair and Tool shop LLP |
080540008691 | Small Enterprises | 8 701 766-07-18 | Almaty city |
2126 | Zavod Agrotekh LLP |
040740004232 | Small Enterprises | 8 727 234-45-96 | Almaty city |
2127 | Adal-meteo LLP |
140140003411 | Not indicated | 8 701 101-06-01 | Almaty city |
2128 | INOKS LTD LLP |
060940003730 | Not indicated | 8 727 246 40 46 | Almaty city |
2129 | Eypeks Grupp LLP |
160240010769 | Small Enterprises | 8 701 744-70-67 | Almaty city |
130440026886 | Small Enterprises | 8 727 356-68-06 | Almaty city |
2131 | PKF «Mim» LTD LLP |
930540000184 | Small Enterprises | 8 7172 95-43-30/31/32 | Nur Sultan |
2132 | Caspian Contractors Trust LLP |
021040001876 | Large enterprises | 8 7172 43-44-35; 8 776 520-00-09 | Nur Sultan |
2133 | Kamkor Engineering LLP |
041240002964 | Medium-sized enterprises | 8 7172 611-615 | Nur Sultan |
2134 | PMS Astana LLP |
030541015968 | Large enterprises | 8 7172 947-270; 87027062555 | Nur Sultan |
060440003930 | Small Enterprises | 8 7172 49-06-85; 87021111820 | Nur Sultan |
2136 | Astaninskoe lokomotivoremontnoe depo LLP Astana Locomotive Repair Depot LLP |
091041017098 | Large enterprises | 8 7172 93 39 76, 93 22 90 | Nur Sultan |